Saturday, October 3, 2015

Links for October 6th Garden Club Class

Plant ID Class

Plant Structures and Morphology

Leaf Arrangement: Fig10_leaf_arrangement.png (600×725)
Typical Dicot Shoot: Fig03_dicot_structure.png (600×721)
Leaf  shapes, margins and other miscellaneous :Google Image Result for
Superior vs. Inferior Ovaries: Google Image Result for
Floral morphology: Google Image Result for
Floral Symmetry, Actinomophic vs. ZygomorphicThe Virtual Herbarium | Floral Symmetry - Charles Sturt University
More Flower Parts: botany-for-gardeners-2014-40-638.jpg (638×479)


Botanical terms
Glossary of botanical terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glossary A-H MOBOT
How to Pronounce Botanical Names


Classification of Plants
Overview Slideshow of Plant Classification
BIO 10B Plant Kingdom
Example of Cladistics: 2012_10_05_eudicots_phylo3_malvids.jpg (1982×1147)
Good example where we and plants stand in the grand scheme of things. 
Another great 'Tree of Life'; can you find us (animals)?
File:Biological classification L Pengo vflip.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eukaryota tree - Kingdom (biology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kingdom (biology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spermatophyta - opentree
Look at the lineage of the Deadly Nightshade

Angiosperm families - contents
Angiosperm families - Agavaceae Endl.
Arecaceae - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Angiosperm Phylogeny Website MOBOT
Agavaceae or Agave Family
Angiosperm families - Nolinaceae T. Nakai
Agavoideae | plant subfamily |


Arecaceae (Palmae)
Jepson Herbarium: Jepson Flora Project: Jepson eFlora Keys
Jepson Herbarium: Jepson Flora Project: Jepson eFlora Keys
Angiosperm families - Palmae Juss.
Flowering Plant Families, UH Botany


Jepson Herbarium: Jepson Flora Project: Jepson eFlora Keys
Malvaceae: Wildflowers of the Mallow Family. Pictures and help with wildflower Identification from Thomas J. Elpel, author of Botany in a Day. The easy way to identify flowers.
Malvaceae (Mallow family) - 249 images at images, phylogeny, nomenclature for (Malvaceae)

Plant Orders

Use this site to find the order (if you know the family) of a plant. 


How to collect, store and preserve botanical specimens (for field work). 
More on collecting plants for an herbarium. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday, March 27th Class

Map of Plant Families Covered (Google Maps)


Flowering Plant Families, UH Botany
vPlants - Glossary Asteraceae
Stanford Dahlia Project Compositae Information
Sunflower Family (Asteraceae)
Asteraceae in Flora of North America @
Systematics of Vascular Plants Asteraceae
Angiosperm families - Compositae Giseke
prairie_asteraceaehead_1.jpg (439×576)
Jepson Herbarium: Jepson Flora Project: Jepson eFlora Keys


Angiosperm families - Orchidaceae Juss.
Orchidaceae in Flora of China @
Jepson Herbarium: Jepson Flora Project: Jepson eFlora Keys
Taxonomy of the Orchidaceae - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Orchidaceae - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Category:Orchid subfamilies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Poaceae Page
Poaceae — The Plant List
Weed Photo Gallery--UC IPM
Digital Flowers
List of allergic plants in POACEAE family
Know Your Grasses
RLEM 610 grass taxonomy pooideae
Green Plant Hyperbolic tree demonstration (research)
Jepson Interchange Title Page
On-line Resources
Plant Anatomy - Interactive
Plant Families
Plant Identification
Plant Study Resources


Polygonaceae - 302 images at images, phylogeny, nomenclature for (Polygonaceae)
Jepson Herbarium: Jepson Flora Project: Jepson eFlora Keys
Ocrea - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Polygonaceae Page


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Friday, March 20th Plant Identification Class: Cactus and Succulents

Cactus and Succulents


On-line Guide to the positive identification of Succulent Plant Families

Succulent Family Descriptions

Angiosperm families - Agavaceae Endl.
Angiosperm families - Aizoaceae Rudolphi
Angiosperm families - Asphodelaceae Juss.
Angiosperm families - Anacardiaceae Lindl.
Sumac Family
Apocynaceae Flowering Plant Families, UH Botany
Angiosperm families - Burseraceae Kunth
Neotropical Burseraceae - Neotropikey from Kew
Introduction to the Campanulaceae
Angiosperm families - Campanulaceae Juss.
Convovulaceae Flowering Plant Families, UH Botany
Crassulaceae Flowering Plant Families, UH Botany
Cucerbitaceae Flowering Plant Families, UH Botany
Didiereaceae - cactus-like succulent plants of the Old World
Angiosperm families - Didiereaceae Radlk. ex Drake
Euphorbia Flowering Plant Families, UH Botany
The Spurge Page - Euphorbiaceae
Neotropical Fouquieriaceae - Neotropikey from Kew
The Fouquieria Page
Angiosperm families - Geraniaceae Juss.
The Geranium Page - Geraniaceae
Angiosperm families - Hyacinthaceae J.G. Agardh
Pacific Bulb Society | Hyacinthaceae
Angiosperm families - Moraceae Link
Moraceae Flowering Plant Families, UH Botany
Neotropical Passifloraceae - Neotropikey from Kew
Passifloraceae Flowering Plant Families, UH Botany
Angiosperm families - Pedaliaceae R. Br.
Pedaliaceae (sesmae family)
Flowering Plant Families, UH Botany
Angiosperm families - Rhamnaceae Juss.
Angiosperm families - Asparagaceae Juss.
Family: Asparagaceae (asparagus family): Go Botany
Angiosperm families - Vitidaceae Juss.
Neotropical Vitaceae - Neotropikey from Kew
Gymnosperm Families - Welwitschiaceae
Welwitschia flowers and cone

Links for Identifying Cactus to Genus

Cacti Growth Habit -Cactus Identification On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Family Cactaceae -Explanation of Classification -Cactus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family Compare Publications On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Cacti & Succulent Identification On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Cereus Peruvianus -The Least and Best Known Cactus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Ariocarpus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Astrophytum On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Aztekium On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Blossfeldia On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Carnegiea On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Famil
Cephalocereus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Cereus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Copiapoa On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Coryphantha On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Cylindropuntia On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Discocactus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Echinocactus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Echinocereus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Epiphyllum On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Ferocactus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Gymnocalycium On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Hylocereus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Leuchtenbergia On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Lophophora On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Mammillaria On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Myrtillocactus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Obregonia On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Opuntia On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Rhipsalis On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Rebutia On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Schlumbergera On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Sclerocactus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Pelecyphora On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Pediocactus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Turbinicarpus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Thelocactus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Melocactus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Pterocactus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Strombocactus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Tephrocactus On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family
Parodia On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the Cactus Family

Cactaceae Family Description

Angiosperm families - Cactaceae Juss.
Cactaceae — The Plant List
Cactaceae — The Plant List
Cactus family ( Cactaceae)

Class Outline:

Plant ID Class Session 3: Cacti and Succulents
This class session will familiarize you with the different families of plants that have succulent members and the family Cactaceae, a new world plant family whose members are mostly succulents. 

Succulent Families and Representative Genus:

1) Agavaceae
a) Agave
b) Furcraea
c) Hesperaloe
d) Manfreda
e) Yucca
2) Aizoaceae
a) Aptenia
b) Carpobrotus
c) Conophytum
d) Drosanthemum
e) Lampranthus
f) Lapidaria
g) Leipoldtia
h) Lithops
i) Mesembryanthemum
j) Monilaria
k) Namaquanthus
3) Aloaceae
a) Aloe
b) Gasteria
c) Haworthia
4) Anacardiaceae
a) Pachycormus
5) Apocynaceae
a) Adenium
b) Ceropegia
c) Cynanchum
d) Duvalia
e) Hoodia
f) Huernia
g) Pachypodium
h) Pseudolithos
i) Stapelia
j) Stapelianthus
k) Stapeliopsis
l) Whitesloanea
6) Araliaceae
a) Cussonia
7) Asteraceae
a) Coreopsis
b) Othonna
c) Senecio
8) Bromeliaceae
a) Dyckia
b) Hechtia
9) Burseraceae
a) Bursera
b) Commiphora
10) Cactaceae (See below)
11) Campanulaceae
a) Brighamia
12) Convolvulaceae
a) Ipomoea
13) Crassulaceae
a) Aeonium
b) Cotyledon
c) Crassula
d) Dudleya
e) Echeveria
f) Graptopetalum
g) Kalanchoe
h) Pachyphytum
i) Rhodiola
j) Sedum
k) Sempervivum
l) Tylecodon
14) Cucurbitaceae
a) Ibervillea
15) Didiereaceae
a) Alluaudia
b) Alluaudiopsis
c) Decarya
d) Didierea
16) Euphorbiaceae
a) Euphorbia
b) Jatropha
c) Monadenium
d) Pedilanthus
17) Fabaceae
a) Erythrina
18) Fouquieriaceae
a) Fouquieria
19) Geraniaceae
a) Monsonia
b) Pelargonium
20) Hyacinthaceae
a) Albuca
b) Bowiea
c) Massonia
21) Lamiaceae
a) Plectranthus
22) Malvaceae
a) Firmiana
23) Moraceae
a) Dorstenia
b) Ficus
24) Passifloraceae
a) Adenia
25) Pedaliaceae
a) Sesamothamnus
26) Portulacaceae
a) Anacampseros
b) Avonia
c) Calandrinia
d) Cistanthe
27) Rhamnaceae
a) Colletia
28) Ruscaceae
a) Beaucarnea
b) Calibanus
c) Dasylirion
d) Dracaena
e) Nolina
f) Sansevieria
29) Vitaceae
a) Cissus
b) Cyphostemma
30) Welwitschiaceae
a) Welwitschia

Selected Genera in the Family Cactaceae

1) Acanthocalycium
2) Acanthocereus
3) Ariocarpus
4) Astrophytum
5) Aztekium
6) Blossfeldia
7) Carnegiea
8) Cephalocereus
9) Cereus
10) Cleistocactus
11) Copiapoa
12) Corynopuntia
13) Coryphantha
14) Cylindropuntia
15) Dendrocereus
16) Discocactus
17) Echinocactus
18) Echinocereus
19) Echinopsis
20) Epiphyllum
21) Escobaria
22) Ferocactus
23) Geohintonia
24) Grusonia
25) Gymnocalycium
26) Hylocereus
27) Leptocereus
28) Leuchtenbergia
29) Lophophora
30) Mammillaria
31) Mammilloydia
32) Melocactus
33) Micranthocereus
34) Myrtillocactus
35) Obregonia
36) Opuntia
37) Oreocereus
38) Pachycereus
39) Parodia
40) Pediocactus
41) Pelecyphora
42) Pereskia
43) Pilosocereus
44) Pseudorhipsalis
45) Rebutia
46) Rhipsalis
47) Schlumbergera
48) Sclerocactus
49) Stenocactus
50) Strombocactus
51) Sulcorebutia
52) Tephrocactus
53) Thelocactus
54) Turbinicarpus

Pachycaul vs. Caudiferous 
What is the difference between a caudiciform stem and a pachycaul?
Caudiciform stem is low, swollen, perennial storage stem from which arises annual or nonpersistent photosynthetic shoots. Pachycaul is woody, trunk-like stem, swollen basally for storage.
CAM metabolism
Modifications of Xerophytic Plants